Monday, November 05, 2007

Droplets of News

A few things of interest...

There is a short review of the Abel Ganz set at King Tuts here. A very positive report on Joe's performance indeed - hopefully the Ganz will be inspired to keep him on! It's on a page which includes an interview with Hew and Hugh (To wit, two Hughs?) from Abel Ganz and some good pictures (from the soundcheck, I presume). Well worth a look.

I came across a website this week which will also be of interest to some of you - Glasband 80 - a nostalgic look at the rock scene in Glasgow through the 80s, from the bands to the venues. It features lots of photos, music clips and video - even footage from the Kelvingrove Festival in 1985 (no - they don't have any CoE footage - I did ask!). Tommy, the webmaster of the site, was delighted to come across another site about a Glasgow band from the 80s and kindly offered space for a Comedy of Errors page. So CoE are now included on their list of 80s bands - welcome to anybody visiting here from Glasband 80!

And finally, I've updated the links page with some more recent links to better reflect recent happenings on the outskirts of CoE-land.


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